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Spain Digital Nomad Visa for UK Citizens: Complete Guide

Curious about the Spain digital nomad visa for UK citizens? This guide covers all you need to know, from eligibility criteria and application steps to the unique benefits of living and working remotely in Spain.
September 6, 2024
Ana Fankhauser
September 6, 2024

Curious about the Spain digital nomad visa for UK citizens? This guide covers all you need to know, from eligibility criteria and application steps to the unique benefits of living and working remotely in Spain.

Key Takeaways

  • The Spain digital nomad visa allows UK citizens to live in Spain while remotely working for foreign companies, offering flexible residency and the ability to bring dependents.
  • Applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria, including proof of remote work, financial stability with a minimum income of €2,400 per month, and comprehensive health insurance.
  • The visa is valid for one year and renewable, with pathways to permanent residency after five years, contingent upon meeting residency and employment conditions.

Overview of Spain Digital Nomad Visa for UK Citizens

A UK citizen with Spain Digital Nomad Visa

The Spain digital nomad visa enables foreigners, including UK citizens, to work remotely for non-Spanish companies while residing in Spain. Designed specifically for freelancers, remote workers, and self-employed individuals, this visa permits you to blend your professional life with the leisurely and culturally rich environment of Spain. Unlike a tourist visa, this new digital nomad visa provides more flexible residency and work permits, making it an attractive option for those looking to stay for an extended period. Additionally, the Spanish digital nomad visa offers unique benefits tailored for those seeking a vibrant lifestyle while working remotely.

A key benefit of the Spain digital nomad visa is that it permits digital nomads to bring their dependents, allowing families to share the Spanish experience. Valid for one year and renewable, the visa allows you to enjoy Spain’s beautiful cities, favorable tax policies on foreign income, and a wide array of cultural experiences.

Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant streets of Madrid, the artistic allure of Barcelona, or the tranquil beaches of Valencia, this visa opens doors to a new way of living and working.

Eligibility Criteria for UK Citizens

Remote workers, freelancers, and self-employed individuals who are non-EU/EEA citizens, including UK citizens, can apply for the Spain digital nomad visa. Applicants must meet specific criteria to qualify, such as proving their financial stability, possessing a valid passport, and securing comprehensive health insurance. This visa ensures digital nomad visas can support themselves in Spain without needing local employment.

In addition to the primary applicant, family members can also apply for the visa, making it an excellent option for those who wish to relocate with their loved ones. The following subsections will delve into the specific requirements for proving remote worker status, meeting financial requirements, and securing health insurance, providing a clear roadmap for UK citizens looking to make Spain their new base.

Proof of Remote Worker Status

Applicants need to demonstrate their remote work capability through relevant contracts or client relationships. Proof can include employment contracts, freelance agreements, or a professional certificate confirming remote worker status. Additionally, you must show job stability for at least three months and provide evidence of a company history of one year. All submitted documents must be apostilled and translated into Spanish to meet the visa requirements.

To further substantiate your remote worker status, you need to submit supporting documents proving family relationships and your employment history from the UK government. These documents help establish your legitimacy as a remote worker and ensure that your work arrangement aligns with the conditions of the Spain digital nomad visa.

Ensure all documents are in order and translated properly, as proper documentation is crucial for a successful application.

Financial Requirements

The financial requirements ensure applicants can support themselves without needing local employment. The minimum income requirement is €2,400 per month, which increases if you have dependents. This income threshold is meant to reflect the cost of living in Spain and ensure that digital nomads can maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

Applicants must provide proof of income or employment for at least three months during the application process. This can be demonstrated through bank statements, employment contracts, or other official documents showing consistent income. Having all necessary financial documentation ready is crucial for your visa application approval.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is a vital requirement for the Spain digital nomad visa. Applicants must have comprehensive health insurance from a Spanish provider authorized to operate in Spain. This insurance must cover the entire duration of your stay in Spain and provide adequate coverage for medical emergencies, hospitalizations, and routine healthcare needs.

Health insurance is essential to ensure access to healthcare services while living in Spain. Make sure to choose a reputable insurance provider and verify that your policy meets all the requirements set by the Spanish authorities.

Adequate health insurance coverage is crucial for visa approval and your peace of mind while living abroad.

Application Process for UK Citizens

Before: The application process for the Spain digital nomad visa involves several steps, from gathering necessary documents to collecting your visa. UK citizens can submit their applications at the BLS International Center or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Spain. An appointment is necessary for submitting the application, and it can be booked through the local Spanish consulate or embassy.

After: The application process for the Spain digital nomad visa involves several steps:

  1. Gather necessary documents.
  2. Submit your application at the BLS International Center or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Spain.
  3. Book an appointment for submitting the application through the local Spanish consulate or embassy.

The cost of the visa fee varies depending on whether you apply from within Spain or from abroad. Each step of the application process is detailed in the following subsections: gathering documents, booking an appointment, attending the appointment, waiting for approval, and finally, collecting your visa.

Gather Necessary Documents

Gather several essential documents to apply for the Spain digital nomad visa. These include a valid passport with at least one year of validity and two blank pages, proof of financial stability such as bank statements or employment contracts, and comprehensive health insurance from a recognized provider. If you are applying through a representative, you will also need an official document accrediting representation, such as a power of attorney.

All documents must be legalized or apostilled and translated into Spanish. By doing this, the Spanish government will recognize them, and they will be in compliance with the visa requirements. Ensure proper preparation of documents for a successful application by gathering everything well in advance and verifying all papers are in order.

Book an Appointment at the Spanish Consulate

Booking an appointment at the local Spanish embassy or consulate is a vital step in the visa application form process. You can schedule an appointment by visiting the consulate’s official website or calling their office directly. Before your appointment, ensure that you have all the necessary documents, such as your valid passport, proof of income, and health insurance coverage, ready for submission.

During the appointment, you will need to submit your documents and answer questions regarding your application and work status as a remote worker. Ensure proper preparation for a smooth appointment by having everything in order and being ready to provide additional information if requested.

Attend Your Appointment

Submitting your visa application for the Spain digital nomad visa requires attending your appointment in person. During the appointment, you will need to present all your documents, answer any questions from the consulate staff, and possibly provide additional information about your employment and remote work arrangements.

Proper preparation ensures a smooth submission process and successful interaction with consulate staff. Ensure that you have all your documents organized and ready for submission, and be prepared to explain your remote work setup and how it complies with the visa requirements.

Wait for Visa Approval

After submitting your application, the waiting period for visa approval typically ranges from 4 to 12 weeks. During this time, you will receive proof of receipt with a code that allows you to check the status of your application. The expected waiting time to collect your visa after approval is usually between 15 and 45 days, with the visa typically being issued within 2 to 6 weeks after your appointment.

Patience is vital during the waiting period. Use this time to prepare for your move, such as arranging accommodation and familiarizing yourself with local customs and regulations. Keeping track of your application status will help you stay informed and ready for the next steps once your visa is approved.

Collect Your Visa

After your visa is approved, you will need to collect it from the Consular Office. You have a time frame of one month to do so. The office will provide specific instructions on the procedure for the return of your passport, which you must follow closely to avoid any delays. Either the applicant or their duly authorized representative can pick up the visa.

Follow the provided instructions carefully when collecting your visa. This final step is crucial for officially obtaining your digital nomad visa and beginning your new life in Spain. Properly adhering to the collection procedures will ensure a smooth transition to your new adventure.

Living in Spain as a Digital Nomad

Living in Spain as a Digital Nomad

Living in Spain as a digital nomad offers a unique blend of work and leisure. The visa includes provisions for access to public services, enhancing your living experience in this vibrant country. Whether you choose the bustling streets of Madrid, the artistic vibe of Barcelona, or the serene beaches of Valencia, Spain provides a perfect backdrop for remote work. The need to reside in Spain while working remotely for a non-Spanish employer ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the local culture and lifestyle.

Spain’s diverse culture, excellent connectivity, and rich history make it an attractive destination for digital nomads. From the delectable culinary offerings to the numerous festivals celebrating local customs, living in Spain allows you to enjoy a high quality of life while maintaining your professional commitments.

The following subsections explore the cost of living, popular cities for digital nomads, and the cultural and lifestyle benefits you can expect.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Spain varies by city and lifestyle. Typical monthly expenses for a digital nomad range from €1,500 to €2,500, with cities like Madrid and Barcelona on the higher end. In Madrid, for example, the average monthly rent for a two-bedroom apartment is approximately 1,500 USD. However, more affordable options are available in cities like Seville and Granada, where the cost of living is considerably lower.

The estimated minimum living cost for digital nomads in Spain is around EUR 1000 per month, though it can vary based on personal preferences and expenditures. Cities like Valencia offer a relaxed lifestyle and a burgeoning startup scene, making them attractive for those seeking a quieter place to work.

Barcelona and Madrid remain among the most sought-after locations due to their vibrant atmospheres and extensive coworking spaces.

Popular Cities for Digital Nomads

Seville City for Digital Nomads

Spain boasts several popular cities that cater to digital nomads, each offering unique attractions and amenities.

  • Barcelona, with its vibrant atmosphere and numerous coworking spaces, is a top choice for many remote workers.
  • Madrid, the capital city, provides a bustling urban environment with excellent connectivity and a rich cultural scene.
  • For those who prefer a more laid-back lifestyle, cities like Valencia and Seville offer a slower pace of life without compromising on modern amenities.

Residing in these cities offers access to Spain’s diverse culinary scene, from traditional tapas to high-end dining experiences. Additionally, Spain hosts numerous festivals and cultural events that celebrate local customs and traditions, enhancing the overall lifestyle experience for digital nomads.

Whether attracted to the historical charm of Granada or the coastal beauty of Alicante, Spain’s cities offer something for every digital nomad.

Cultural and Lifestyle Benefits

Spain is increasingly recognized as a prime destination for digital nomads due to its affordability, cultural richness, and excellent connectivity. The country offers an ideal climate for remote work, combining rich cultural heritage with modern amenities. From the lively streets of Barcelona to the serene beaches of the Costa del Sol, Spain provides a diverse range of environments to suit different lifestyles.

The cultural and lifestyle benefits of living in Spain are immense. The country is known for its friendly locals, delicious cuisine, and vibrant festivals that occur throughout the year. These cultural experiences, along with the opportunity to integrate into Spanish society, make living in Spain a rewarding experience for digital nomads.

Whether exploring historic sites in Seville or enjoying nightlife in Madrid, Spain offers a unique and enriching lifestyle.

Taxes and Legal Considerations

Taxes and Legal Considerations for Digital Nomad

Digital nomads in Spain must pay taxes if they become tax residents, with income tax rates ranging from 15% to 24%. To become a tax resident, you generally need to stay in the country for more than 183 days in a calendar year. However, you can also qualify for tax residency under certain conditions even if you spend fewer days in Spain, which must be verified with the Spanish Tax Agency. Understanding these tax obligations is crucial to avoid legal issues during your stay.

Self-employed individuals in Spain must ensure no more than 20% of their work is for Spanish companies to maintain visa regulations. Understanding tax residency rules and complying with Spanish tax laws is essential for a smooth and hassle-free experience as a digital nomad in Spain.

The following subsections will provide more details on tax residency rules, double taxation agreements, and legal obligations.

Tax Residence Rules

To establish tax residency in Spain, you must:

  1. Stay in the country for over 183 days within a calendar year.
  2. Be aware that even if you spend fewer than 183 days in Spain, you can still qualify for tax residency based on your primary income source and other specific criteria.
  3. Understand that digital nomads must be aware of their worldwide income tax obligations if they establish tax residency in Spain.

As a tax resident, you must adhere to Spanish tax laws, including obligations on income sourced from both local and a foreign company. Demonstrating job stability and ensuring income from foreign clients does not exceed 20% of earnings is crucial.

Proper understanding and compliance with these rules will help avoid legal complications during your stay in the european union.

Double Taxation Agreements

Spain has double taxation agreements with several countries, including the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and EU countries, allowing digital nomads to avoid double taxation. These agreements mean that taxes paid abroad can often be credited against Spanish tax liabilities, potentially reducing your overall tax burden.

Due to Spain's double taxation agreements with their home countries, digital nomads may be eligible for exemptions from paying taxes on their income. Being aware of these agreements and how they impact your tax obligations in Spain is crucial. Consulting with a tax professional can help you navigate these complexities and optimize your tax situation.

Legal Obligations

After receiving a positive response regarding your visa application, you must register your fingerprints at the nearest police office. This is a crucial step in complying with local laws and regulations. It is also essential to familiarize yourself with other legal obligations, such as obtaining a residence permit card and adhering to Spanish social security obligations.

Adhering to local laws and regulations is vital for a smooth experience as a digital nomad in Spain. Fulfill all legal requirements, including registering with Spanish tax authorities and adhering to employment laws. Proper adherence to these obligations will help avoid legal issues and ensure a positive stay in Spain.

Extending and Renewing Your Digital Nomad Visa

Renewing Digital Nomad Visa

Extending your digital nomad visa allows continued remote work in Spain beyond the initial year. To qualify for an extension, you must meet specific requirements, including proof of continued remote employment and adherence to income thresholds. The residence permit obtained through the digital nomad visa is valid for a maximum of three years after extension.

Successfully extending your visa or transitioning to permanent residency enhances stability and allows deeper integration into Spanish life. The following subsections detail the extension requirements and the pathway to permanent residency.

Extension Requirements

To extend the Spain digital nomad visa, you must demonstrate that you have spent at least six months in Spain during the previous year. You also need to show proof of ongoing employment or a stable income and comply with Spanish tax obligations. The extension process requires submitting an application with the required documents within the specified timeframe.

Extensions can be granted for up to five years, with the initial visa being valid for one year. Proper preparation and adherence to extension requirements are crucial for a successful application. Ensure that you have all necessary documentation and meet the eligibility criteria to continue your remote work in Spain without interruption.

Permanent Residency Pathway

After living in Spain under the digital nomad visa for five continuous years, you may qualify for permanent residency. This transition requires providing proof of residence in Spain for the required duration and fulfilling necessary documentation. The application for permanent residency must be started at least 60 days before the expiration of your current visa.

Achieving permanent residency allows for long-term living and working in Spain, providing greater stability and integration into Spanish society. The total time spent in Spain before qualifying for a permanent residency visa is five years if the digital nomad visa is renewed twice.

Proper planning and preparation are essential for a smooth transition from a temporary visa to permanent residency.


The Spain digital nomad visa offers UK citizens a unique opportunity to live and work in one of Europe’s most culturally rich and vibrant countries. By meeting the eligibility criteria, gathering the necessary documents, and following the application process, you can enjoy the benefits of remote work while immersing yourself in Spanish culture. The visa provides flexibility, allowing you to bring your family and experience life in cities like Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia.

Understanding the tax and legal considerations, as well as the process for extending and renewing your visa, is crucial for a successful and hassle-free experience. Whether you’re looking to stay for a year or transition to permanent residency, Spain offers a welcoming environment for digital nomads. Embark on your Spanish adventure with confidence, knowing that you have all the information and resources to make the most of this exciting opportunity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spain digital nomad visa permits non-EU/EEA citizens to reside in Spain while working remotely for foreign companies. This program is designed to attract digital professionals seeking to live in Spain during their remote work experience.

What are the financial requirements for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

To qualify for the Spain digital nomad visa, applicants must demonstrate a minimum income of €2,400 per month, with an increase for dependents. This requirement is crucial for ensuring financial stability while residing in Spain.

How long does it take to get the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spain digital nomad visa typically takes between 4 and 12 weeks for processing, with the visa itself usually issued within 2 to 6 weeks after your appointment.

Can I bring my family with me on the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

You can bring your family with you on the Spain digital nomad visa, as they are allowed to apply alongside the main applicant.

What are the tax obligations for digital nomads in Spain?

Digital nomads who establish tax residency in Spain are required to pay taxes on their worldwide income, with rates varying between 15% and 24%. Therefore, it is essential to understand your residency status to comply with tax obligations.

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