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Spain Non Lucrative Residence Visa for Australians: Your Guide

Are you an Australian looking to relocate to Spain without the need to work? The non-lucrative residence visa might be the perfect solution for you.
September 6, 2024
Ana Fankhauser
September 6, 2024

Are you an Australian looking to relocate to Spain without the need to work? The non-lucrative residence visa might be the perfect solution for you. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining the Spain non-lucrative residence visa for Australians, including eligibility requirements, application steps, and life in Spain once you have the visa.

Key Takeaways

  • The non-lucrative residence visa allows non-EU citizens, including Australians, to live in Spain without engaging in work, provided they demonstrate sufficient financial means and obtain private health insurance.
  • Key requirements for the visa include proof of financial stability (28,800 euros minimum income for individuals), private health insurance from authorized Spanish providers, and a clean criminal record check from the past five years.
  • The application process involves gathering specific documents, submitting the application at a Spanish consulate, and obtaining a Foreigner Identity Card upon arrival in Spain; visa renewal must occur at least 60 days before expiration.

Understanding the Non-Lucrative Residence Visa

Spain Non-Lucrative Residence Visa for Australia

The non-lucrative residence visa is a special type of residence permit designed for non-EU citizens who wish to live in Spain without engaging in any gainful employment. This visa is particularly attractive for those who have sufficient financial means to support themselves and their families without the need to work. It allows individuals to enjoy the lifestyle and amenities of Spain while adhering to the visa’s primary condition: no professional activity. Additionally, obtaining residence permits can further facilitate the process for those looking to settle in Spain.

One of the significant advantages of the non-lucrative residence visa is that it enables family members, such as spouses and dependent children, to apply and reside together. This makes it an ideal option for Australian citizens looking to relocate to Spain with their loved ones and enjoy the rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and high quality of life that Spain offers.

Key Requirements for Australians

For Australian citizens, there are several key requirements to qualify for the non-lucrative residence visa. These requirements are designed to ensure that applicants have the financial stability, health coverage, and legal standing necessary to reside in Spain without engaging in work. Understanding these criteria is crucial for a smooth and successful application process.

Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial means to cover their living expenses, secure private health insurance from an authorized Spanish company, and provide a clean criminal record check from Australia and any other countries of residence over the past five years. Each of these requirements is detailed in the subsections below.

Financial Means Required

To qualify for the non-lucrative residence visa, Australian citizens must provide evidence of sufficient financial means to support themselves and their family members without engaging in work while living in Spain. This financial proof is essential to demonstrate that the applicants can sustain their living expenses independently.

The minimum income required for the non-lucrative visa in 2024 is 28,800 euros, with an additional 7,200 euros for each dependent. This amount is calculated based on 400% of Spain’s Public Multiple Effects Income Indicator (IPREM) for the first year in Spain. Applicants must show proof of these funds, which can include bank account statements, investment certificates, or other documents that clearly demonstrate their financial stability, along with the visa fee.

It is important to note that for each family member in care, an additional monthly income of 600 euros must be proven. This ensures that dependents are also adequately supported. Having the necessary financial means is a crucial step in the application process for the non-lucrative residence visa.

Health Insurance Coverage

Another key requirement is health insurance for the non-lucrative residence visa. Applicants must obtain private health insurance from an authorized Spanish company. This insurance must cover all risks typically included in Spain’s public health system, ensuring comprehensive medical care during your stay.

Applicants must also submit a medical certificate confirming they do not have serious public health risks. This certificate helps the Spanish authorities ensure that incoming residents do not pose any health risks to the population.

Criminal Record Check

A clean criminal record is essential for applicants of the non-lucrative residence visa. Australian citizens must provide a criminal record check covering the last five years of residence from both Australia and any other countries where they have lived during this period. This ensures that applicants have maintained a lawful status and do not pose any security threats.

Applicants need to obtain a criminal record certificate from the relevant authorities and include it in the visa application package. This document is essential for demonstrating eligibility for the non-lucrative residence visa.

Application Process for Australians

Applying for the non-lucrative residence visa involves several steps, starting from understanding the visa requirements to submitting the application and waiting for a decision. Australian citizens must apply for this visa from their country of origin or residence, ensuring they are not irregularly in Spanish territory during the application process.

The application process is regulated under Article 49 of the Foreigners Regulations and requires careful preparation and submission of the necessary documents. Being aware of the specific steps helps applicants navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.

Gathering Necessary Documents

The first step in the application process is to gather all the required documents. These include a completed application form, a valid Spanish passport, a recent passport-sized photograph, proof of financial means, and a medical certificate. Each document must be legalized or apostilled and translated into Spanish if it originates from outside Spain.

Applicants must also present a criminal record certificate to demonstrate they have no criminal record in Australia or other countries of residence over the past five years. It’s essential to ensure that all documents are complete and accurate to avoid any delays or issues with the application.

The documentation process is meticulous, and applicants must make sure they provide all necessary proofs and certifications in accordance with Spanish authorities' requirements. This thorough preparation is key to a successful visa application.

Submitting Your Application

Once all the required documents are gathered, the next step is to submit the visa application. This must be done in person at the relevant Spanish consulate, or by a parent if the applicant is a minor. The consulate will provide proof of receipt of the application, including a code to track its status.

In cases where the applicant is a minor, a parent or legal representative is allowed to submit the application on their behalf. Correctly submitting and tracking the application is crucial for timely processing.

Processing Time and Decision

The processing time for a non-lucrative residence visa application is typically up to three months. The government has a legal timeframe of three months to make a decision on the visa application. During this period, applicants may be required to provide additional documentation or attend a personal interview if necessary.

If the visa is not collected within one month of notification, it will be considered surrendered. Therefore, applicants must stay alert to any communications from the consular office and respond promptly.

Post-Approval Steps

Spain Non-Lucrative Residence Visa Post-Approval Steps

After receiving approval for the non-lucrative residence visa, there are a few more steps to complete before fully settling in Spain. Applicants must enter Spain within a maximum of 90 days from the date of visa issuance. Carrying the approved visa and any additional documentation required for entry is essential.

Once in Spain, applicants must apply for a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) within a month of arrival. This card is essential for legal residence and access to various services in Spain.

Entering Spain

Upon entering Spain, travelers must carry their approved visa and any additional documentation required for entry. Australians must travel to Spain within 90 days after obtaining the visa. The visa is valid for a maximum of 90 days, after which one must obtain a Foreigner Identity Card in Spain.

Upon arrival, individuals should locate a local government office to register their residence. Australians moving to Spain can choose to rent or buy property, with expat housing services available to assist in finding accommodation.

Obtaining a Foreigner Identity Card

The application for a Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) must be submitted at a Foreign Nationals’ Office or police station within one month of arriving in Spain. This application is processed at the Foreign Nationals’ Office or local police station.

Applicants need to fill out an application form in Spanish, providing personal details, address, and motivation for residence. This card is crucial for legal residence and accessing various services in Spain.

Living in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Residence Visa

Living in Spain with a Non-Lucrative Residence Visa

Living in Spain with a non-lucrative residence visa offers a unique and enriching experience. This visa does not permit the holder to engage in any work activities in Spain. However, it allows residents to enjoy the country’s high-quality healthcare system, which includes both public and private options.

For Australian expats, learning Spanish is essential for effective communication and cultural immersion. Familiarizing oneself with local customs and regulations further enhances the living experience in Spain.

Renewing Your Visa

Australians must apply for their non-lucrative residence visa renewal at least 60 days before the current visa expires to ensure continued residency. To renew the visa, applicants need to prove they still meet the financial stability requirements and are maintaining health insurance.

The renewal process requires submitting several key documents, including a valid passport, proof of health insurance, and evidence of stable income. Having these documents in order is essential for a successful renewal.

Integrating into Spanish Society

For Australian expats in Spain, adapting to the culture is essential. Getting involved in local events and community activities helps expats foster relationships and become active community members. Involvement in local traditions and events not only enriches the experience but also helps in building a support network and making the transition smoother.

Alternatives to the Non-Lucrative Residence Visa

Alternatives to the Non-Lucrative Residence Visa

For those who may not meet the requirements for the non-lucrative residence visa, there are several alternative visa options available. These include the investor visa, student visa, and work visa, each designed to cater to different needs and circumstances.

These alternatives offer viable paths for Australian citizens looking to move to Spain under different conditions.

Investor Visa

The investor visa is an option for Australian citizens who wish to reside in Spain through investment. This visa is available for non-EU citizens purchasing real estate or making significant financial investments in Spain.

The investor visa offers several benefits, including the ability to work and bring family members to Spain. It is an attractive option for those with the financial means to invest in the country.

Student Visa

The student visa allows Australians to study in Spain for educational purposes. This visa requires proof of admission to an accredited educational institution in Spain and allows family members to accompany the student, though they do not receive work permits.

This Spanish visa is ideal for those looking to pursue higher education and immerse themselves in the academic and cultural environment of Spain.

Work Visa

The work visa is designed for individuals who have secured employment in Spain. To obtain this visa, an individual must have a job offer from a Spanish employer. This visa allows the holder to engage in professional activities and is suitable for those who wish to build a career in Spain.


In conclusion, the non-lucrative residence visa offers Australian citizens a fantastic opportunity to live in Spain without the necessity of engaging in work. By meeting the financial, health insurance, and legal requirements, Australians can enjoy Spain’s vibrant culture and high quality of life. The application process, while detailed, is straightforward if approached methodically, ensuring that all required documents are accurately completed and submitted.

Living in Spain with a non-lucrative residence visa opens doors to new experiences and adventures. From renewing the visa to integrating into Spanish society, each step offers a chance to deepen your connection with the country. For those who do not qualify for this visa, alternative options such as investor, student, and work visas provide other pathways to make Spain your home. Embrace the journey and make the most of the incredible opportunities that await you in Spain.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a non-lucrative residence visa?

A non-lucrative residence visa allows non-EU citizens to reside in Spain without the authorization to work or engage in professional activities. This visa is ideal for those who can support themselves through other means, such as savings or passive income.

What financial proof is required for the non-lucrative residence visa?

To obtain a non-lucrative residence visa, you must provide proof of sufficient financial means, specifically a minimum income of 28,800 euros for yourself and an additional 7,200 euros for each dependent.

Can family members join me in Spain on a non-lucrative residence visa?

Yes, family members such as spouses and dependent children are permitted to apply for the non-lucrative residence visa and join you in Spain.

How long does it take to process the non-lucrative residence visa?

The processing time for a non-lucrative residence visa application typically takes up to three months. Be prepared for this timeframe when planning your application.

What are the alternatives if I do not qualify for the non-lucrative residence visa?

If you do not qualify for the non-lucrative residence visa, consider alternatives such as the investor visa, student visa, or work visa, as they cater to various needs and circumstances. Each option provides a different pathway to reside legally.

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