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When is it open to get a Portugal visa?

Movingto Editorial Team
November 26, 2021

Are you contemplating a move to Portugal? Perhaps you're wondering when you can apply for a Portugal visa. It's a crucial question and this guide provides answers, as well as insights on how to effectively navigate the application process.

When Can I Apply for a Portugal Visa?

The application for a Portugal visa is generally open all year round. However, it's important to note that processing times may vary, and can be influenced by factors such as the specific type of visa you're applying for, the time of year, and the volume of applications the embassy or consulate is handling at the time. The recommended approach is to apply at least 3 months before your intended travel date.

The Role of an Immigration Lawyer in Your Visa Application

The process of obtaining a visa can be overwhelming. This is why many people opt to work with an immigration lawyer. An immigration lawyer can help you understand the process, keep track of your application status at any time, and ensure you're fully prepared for the next steps of your journey. Most importantly, they can enhance your chances of getting your visa approved. They provide advice to optimize your application and avoid common pitfalls that could lead to rejection.

Contact the Movingto Team for More Information

If you have more questions about the Portugal visa application process or if you need professional assistance, don't hesitate to contact the Movingto team. With their expert knowledge of Portuguese immigration procedures, they can provide invaluable help throughout your application process.

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